Ink & Toner
Store printers can be divided into two categories. The first includes devices in which the print is applied to paper with the use of a special ink-toner placed in a container called a cartridge. Each of these containers has a special head. With its help, the right amount of pigment is dosed. Inkjet printers have many advantages. Equipment in this category usually costs less than ink-toner based printers and is cheap to use.
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Store printers can be divided into two categories. The first includes devices in which the print is applied to paper with the use of a special ink-toner placed in a container called a cartridge. Each of these containers has a special head. With its help, the right amount of pigment is dosed. Inkjet printers have many advantages. Equipment in this category usually costs less than ink-toner based printers and is cheap to use.
On the other hand, laser printers belong to the second category. In order for them to work, each of them should contain a toner for the printer. What is it and how does it work? This is how the powder placed in a special cassette, i.e. a printer cartridge, is determined. When electrified with laser light, this powder sticks to the paper. Devices based on this technology have many advantages – the print comes out clear, durable, does not smudge and does not fade under the influence of light.
Note that printer toners are more efficient than cartridges filled with ink. For this reason, they are perfect if you intend to print a lot and often. On the other hand, the powder inside the laser printer cartridge does not dry out. Thanks to this, even if you use the device occasionally, the print will be of impeccable quality.
When buying your laser printer, you should remember to get the right toner. What is this? While so many people refer to a laser printer cartridge, don’t forget that toner is basically the very powder used to print on paper. However, stores do not sell the pigment itself – so if you run out of toner in your printer, you have to buy a new cartridge or have it replenished at a professional service.